Details About The CLF Associates Program
The Need:
Charleston has many Christian non-profits. Many times people have asked us for our opinion on whether to invest or not in a specific non-profit. The answer would depend on if we were very familiar with the particular non-profit. As a Leadership Foundation (LF) we felt it would be excellent if we had a group of Christian or Christian formed nonprofits that we had vetted and could give limited recommendations about them. These non-profits could all benefit from increased funding, volunteers or awareness. All of the nonprofits selected must serve the Charleston metro area.
What’s in it for the Christian Non-Profits?
Exposure to a much wider audience of Christian minded leaders. potential for more sources of revenue. Promotion and featuring in our newsletters and at the breakfast with CLF as a cheerleader. Also keep in mind that there is another benefit for the non-profits and that would be the potential of new volunteers which for a non-profit is sometimes a cash equivalent.
What’s in it for CLF?
It gives us a bully pulpit to talk about the good our city’s Christian non-profits are doing and the difference they are making. Each non-profit that becomes an associate would be encouraged to use the breakfast as one of their evangelical outreaches for the year.
Vetting committee:
Chairman: John Boatwright
Members: John Carroll, Byron Davis, Robert Gerber, Bob Nuttall, Robbie Robinson, Bill Stanfield, Jerry Young.